TS1-2 - Today's lesson

Publié le par Mrs Marcos

Today I gave you back your essays and explained all the things that were wrong in them! So I'm now counting on you not to do the same anymore!
We then corrected your homework and saw how to express opposition, concession, and contrast. We eventually succeeded in finding examples using the video we had seen.

I also told you that we'll go to the cinema to see Sicko, by Michael Moore on Tuesday 9th.

I then gave you the text we'll study next week. It's an extract from "A year in the merde" by Stephen Clarke.
It's a really funny book and you can read another extarct from the book by clicking on the image below.


For Monday, you have to read the text (read it loud to understand it better!), describe the picture and answer the WH-questions about the text. You also have to correct your essay.

Have a good (and busy) weekend!!!!!

Publié dans TS1-TS2 (2007-2008)

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